Miscellaneous - transport, fit notes and complaints

Request a fit note for a new problem?

Please contact the practice to make an appointment with a GP for assessment for a first issue of a fit note.  

If we have information in writing from another healthcare professional about a medical problem which stops  you from working a GP may be able to issue a fit note based on this information.

If attending hospital for surgery or as an admission the hospital should be able to offer a fit note covering the time period, they feel you will need to recover.  


Make a complaint about my care?

Your concerns are important to us. If you wish to raise a concern, please speak to a member of our team. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please email us on gmicb-sto.p88011.receptionteam@nhs.net  or call into the Practice to pick up a complaints form.  

Request a repeat fit note for an ongoing problem?

Please telephone the practice to make an appointment with the employment support health coach working (Ed) who helps to support patients in getting back to work who will either offer a fit note, or arrange a  GP appointment depending on the nature of your concern.