Test, Reviews and Referrals
Arrange a review of my chronic disease?
Patients will receive either a text message or letter to make an appointment for a review. Please telephone the practice to arrange the appointment with the clinician which will be stated in your message.
Arrange a blood test?
If you have been asked to arrange a blood test by a GP/clinician, please telephone the practice to make an appointment with a healthcare assistant. If you are requesting blood tests for a specific new problem, you will need to make an appointment with a GP for further assessment.
Check the progress of a referral?
If you have already been referred and received your paperwork you can contact the appointments department at the hospital you have been referred to check the likely date of your appointment.
If you have not heard about your referral or feel your symptoms have deteriorated, please contact us to make appointment with a GP. We do not have control over hospital waiting lists and if you are unhappy about your wait, please contact the hospital PALS service (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)